

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Shunt Revision

Callista had her shunt revision early Friday morning. Other than dragging everyone out of bed at 3:30 in the morning, things went smoothly. They took her back at exactly 8:00, and the surgery lasted around two hours. We expected it to be a little shorter than that, but the doctor decided to do a little maneuvering of her shunt tubing as well as replacing the shunt. He said her old shunt was "sluggish" and some fluid pressure did come up around it when he opened her up. Before, he was 50/50 that this would fix her syrinx and now he is 60/40. Not much of an increase, but we will roll with it! Dr. J said the CT scans looked good and the catheter is in the spot he wanted it to be. We go for a wound check in two weeks, and a follow up limited MRI in six weeks. In about 12 weeks, she will go for a sedated MRI again to see if the syrinx is getting any better. If it is, we continue to wait. If it is not, we discuss other options for surgical intervention.

Callie woke up nicely from this surgery (it's amazing what the right size tube does for her, huh?) and only needed tylenol to manage her pain. We spent the night on the neuro floor and were released around noon yesterday. She is pretty much back to her old self, laughing at everything and very alert. We just have to deal with the post anesthesia yuck. The poor kid's stomach can't take it! She has tummy trouble for three to five days after she gets put under, no matter how long the procedure is.

In good news, Callista's 2nd Annual Benefit has a date and place: Profit's Park on July 28th. The time is still undecided. We will begin collecting donations for door prizes and auction items now. I am so excited to be able to do another benefit and be able to give back to the spina bifida community that has been such an amazing support system!

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