I finally have the stamina to stay up long enough to recap our last week...
Monday: We left our house on the way to the airport at about 4:30am. I felt as though it was the last day of my life... There were many tears, and even though I knew deep down I'd "live through this", it still was scary walking out of my home and into the unknown. We landed safely in Tennessee, and attended our pre-op appointment. They took some blood and reiterated the risks associated with the surgery. I never again want to hear someone telling us we have to "make a decision" as to what to do if they couldn't save the pregnancy. In the end, there wouldn't have been a decision, because she wouldn't have survived being only 23 weeks old.
Tuesday: Bright and early, we arrived for my surgery at 5:15 in the morning. I was a mess, freaking out about the entire thing. The thought never crossed my mind to back out, but I was a wreck. They immediately took us to a labor and delivery room, and started prepping for the surgery. It took them a long time to get an IV into my hand, so I was glad when that was done. The digging around only added to my stress of the day. Again, they brought up the chance of viability... At this time, I really couldn't contain myself anymore and had a full blown panic attack, complete with trouble breathing. They offered me the amazing drug (whatever it was!) to calm me down and from then on out it's all hazy to me. I remember them having me lean over for the epidural, and I remember them putting a mask on my face and telling me to breath deeply. I breathed deeply once... And then I woke up in my room with everyone telling me how great it went. I asked Casey several times if I was all done, obviously nothing was sticking with me. The baby did great, her heart didn't change the entire surgery, neither did mine. They told Casey and my family the lesion was a bit wider than expected, so they laced it with dissolving mesh that would allow her nerves to grow normally now. I still had a lot of drugs in my system and a working epidural, so this day is pretty much a blank for me.
Wednesday: I was feeling more awake this day, which means I was feeling awful. I ended up taking a lot of IV drugs to ease some of the pain. They had me sit up in bed some, but that was the extend of my day. Sleep, take drugs, sleep, talk, take drugs, sleep. That's about it, yeah. The magnesium sulfate they were giving me made me feel like I was dying. I was so hot, and so thirsty (I wasn't allowed to drink ANYTHING still, meaning my mouth was like a piece of flaming hot pavement, to me anyway). I had a cold wash cloth on my head at all times.
Thursday: What can I say... a MUCH better day. They removed my epidural, and stopped the magnesium sulfate. I had a splitting headache the entire day, but they let me have water and that was by far the best taste of my life. I still slept the majority of the time, but they let me listen to Callista's heart and it was so strong and regular, it really put me at ease. The catheter came out as well, and that's an experience I'll keep to myself. Trust me, you don't wanna know!
Friday: The IV came all the way out and I was switched to pill form of all my meds. I was switched to a regular diet, although my tummy was still incredibly tender and I couldn't really enjoy it anyway. Mostly, I was still infatuated with drinking as much water as I wanted! My pain eased off a lot, and I was up walking three times. Getting out of bed is hard without those tummy muscles you take for granted. They did an ultra sound of our baby girl and she was doing wonderfully. Her fluid is still great (which sometimes is a problem with fetal surgery, they lose their fluid due to the opening of the uterus). She has a steady heart beat, and the best part is we can already see her moving her little tiny fingers and toes. What a relief.
Today!: I haven't taken my "strong" drugs since early this morning and the only pain I feel is where the staples pull on my skin. They did another ultra sound this morning and you can actually see where her spine looks normal after it was repaired. I've had some nausea throughout the day that doesn't seem to want to go away, but little by little my recovery is happening. Heading to bed in a minute, after listening to that little heartbeat that I live for now.
As of yesterday, we've made it to 24 weeks, which is considered "viable", our next short term goal is 28 weeks. Our long term goal is 37 weeks, which is all the further they'll let her go. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers, we love you all!!