

Friday, November 18, 2011

25 Weeks!

We've made it to the 25 week mark. Only 12 more weeks of bed rest to go! (Seems like a lot when I put it that way.....) Only 3 more weeks until our first goal of 28 weeks!

We're so excited that everything is still going well for little Callista. We had our first home doctor appointment Wednesday and she's still going strong. My fluid is still a 10 (anywhere between 8-20 is normal) and her heart rate stays in the high 140's. While she was being diagnosed, she refused to turn where her back was exposed. Now that it's fixed, the ultrasound techs no longer have any issues getting a picture of her back. It's quite extraordinary to see the difference between the two pictures of before and after. At some points, you can even see the mesh show up looking very glittery (maybe she's a Twilight vampire now?). I'm just amazed at what they've accomplished and my thoughts are at peace with our decision to go through with the surgery.

We have a weekly appointment with our Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor from now until she's born. We love the people at that office almost as much as we love our doctors at Vanderbilt so it's not too hard to gear up for these appointments.We're waiting anxiously for the three or four week mark where the studies show that changes begin to show up. As for now, we just wait and see.

Four weeks ago, I was in agony over our situation. At this point, I've come to appreciate what we've been given, no matter how hard it was, is, and will be on us. Not that "normal" moms don't appreciate these things, but every kick, punch, and hiccup means so much to us because of what has happened. When she's born, every movement, step, and dirty diaper will be an achievement for us, not just taken for granted. I still wish everything was "normal" and still don't understand the "why me?" aspect of all this, but at least we're starting to see the light to this darkness. She was kicking me so hard yesterday that my stomach was moving and while this prohibits any sort of sleep for me, these kicks make me the happiest mommy in the world.

 On a lighter note, we've scarred our cat, Castiel, for life now. We left for 8 days and you'd think it was the end of the world for him. Ever since we've been back, he's been Casey's shadow, never letting him out of his sight. He is constantly glued to Casey when he is sitting down, and I'm the next best thing if Casey is busy or gone. At night, he smothers me in my sleep by laying across my neck, as though to say "Now you won't leave me! I'll know if you get up!". He used to do those things as a kitten and has since reverted to his old behaviors upon our return. Just FYI, it's hard to sleep with a cat on your chest.... ;)


  1. Yeah for 25 weeks! Keep up the good work!


  2. :) YAY!! So glad you and baby girl are doing so well!
