

Thursday, December 1, 2011

27 weeks (tomorrow anyway!)

I had my weekly appointment at Riverside yesterday. I was lucky enough for an old high school friend to volunteer to take me. It was great reconnecting with her over the long trip, and her daughter is so cute and probably the most well behaved 2 1/2 year old I've ever met (although my friend assured me that wasn't normal, lol).

The appointment ran late, as usual, but luckily we still missed the rush hour traffic coming back from Columbus.. I received nothing but good news yesterday, and today my heart and body just feel lighter if you can understand what I mean... She wiggled away in there for most of the ultrasound and was actually kind enough to hold still so Mary, our ultrasound tech could measure her ventricles. The reach of prayer is far and amazing... Last week she measured 21 (L) and 20 (R) and this week...... 20 (L) and 18 (R)!!!! For those of you unfamiliar with this, her spinal fluid was building up in her head because it had no where else to go thanks to the opening on her back. This decrease is giving us great hope that since the closure, her "plumbing" is now rerouting itself and moving that fluid to the places it belongs! We knew this could happen but were extremely hesitant to get our hopes up, just in case we were one of the ones who showed no changes. Granted, we still have a long way to go (normal ventricles can be up to 10-12mm) I was ecstatic with these results.

Another little bit of good news.... My fluid looks amazing as well. Over two weeks, I've increased from 10 to 13 (yay!). This means a lot of things: a) I can FINALLY have a note from my doctor to work from home. We had a bit of a miscommunication last week between hospitals and they never sent the correct number so I couldn't get permission to work from home. b) The increase shows my incision on the back of my uterus is not leaking so far. c) This part is kind of gross, but it's how babies are made I suppose.... The increase shows that obviously Callie is producing and expelling urine. Yuck, but yay? LOL.

And we only have to make it one more week to hit our first goal. It's pretty exciting to reach this first milestone for recovery. We still want her to stay in there till 37 weeks, but at least we're making some progress. After next week, we bump up our goal to 34 weeks. Today I get to quiz my regular OB about what she knows about my surgery and what her plan is. And I hope I'm gaining weight, because I continually get in trouble for that, even though I eat like crazy, and I'm certainly not doing anything to burn calories at this point!

As always, thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers. It's quite obvious they are working wonders and we're so grateful for the support and love everyone has shown. <3

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